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Saturday 22 February 2014

Saddest TV Deaths

TV has the tendency to inflict far more emotional trauma than film. This is due to the fact that characters can be in our lives for years instead of a couple of hours. We may have gone through 6 or 7 seasons of having a character frequent our screens only for them to suddenly pop their clogs. The following list are my personal picks for the saddest deaths on television. (As if I need to say but; SPOILERS.) 

Bobby Singer (Supernatural)

The epitome of killing off the regular. Bobby was with us for seven series before the writers finally decided to kill him off. The slight irony being that one of the men who were responsible, Robert Singer, shared their name with the character. Of course Sam and Dean were at his bed side as Bobby fought a reaper inside his mind. Having already witnessed Sam and Dean lose their real father at the end of season 2 it was like De Ja Vu for regular viewers. They finally hit home as Bobby managed one last "idjits" before dying.

Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who)

Even though viewers always know when each Doctor is going to finally "die", due to the well published hunt for a successor happens weeks before the episode, it still hurts all the same. None more so then the final moments of David Tennant's iconic doctor. There were prophecies about the doctors death all the way through his final series leading to one inevitable conclusion. Even so just as you thought he'd battered his way through the last of his episodes and managed to come out on the other side, he had to perform one more selfless act. Even if you managed to make it through his sacrifice with dry eyes, the proceeding visits to his previous numerous companions certainly would leave any die hard fan sobbing.

Rob Stark & Catelyn Stark (Game of Thrones)

So this scene may in fact cause anger more than sadness but deserves its place regardless. Just when you thought George R. R. Martin couldn't catch you off guard after the ending of season one, (You know, when Eddard Stark had his head chopped off) he goes and kills off the next best Starks. It was the pure shock that seemed to anger the audience, Robb seemed to be doing rather well in the war, he'd beaten the Lanisters a few times and now was safely at a wedding trying to gain reinforcements. However as you think everything is going to plan, they get ambushed by the Freys and Boltons and in one swift 5 minute scene several of your favorite characters are gone forever. Horrific.

Ben Sullivan (Scrubs)

This is purely down to say dynamite acting from John C. McGinley and as per usual some very clever writing from the team at Scrubs. This is one of those episodes that sticks in the memories for Scrubs fans. This was one of the many that in the midst of J.D's silly daydreaming, and the ridiculous humor, lay a deep and incredibly sad story. Throughout the episode we are led to believe that Ben is still alive with Doctor Cox talking a joking with him. It is only at the end when they attend what he thinks is his son'd birthday party. It is only when J.D asks Doctor Cox where they think they are we realise not all is as it seems. The episode ends with a crying Doctor Cox at the funeral of one of his closest friends.

Jimmy Darmody (Boardwalk Empire)

While this death was almost completely expected by the end of season 2 it didn't make it any easier to accept. We had almost grown up with Jimmy as an audience. While he learnt about the ins and outs of the Boardwalk so did we. He was the character that allowed us into the world, and even when he turned against Nucky Thompson somehow we still were willing him to succeed. The worst part about his death was that we were conflicted, while we didn't want him to be killed we almost agreed with it! It was made all the more painful by the fact the man pulling the trigger was Nucky himself, someone who had been like his adopted father. It was Nucky's disappointment that made it sad, his disbelief that his one-time prodigy had betrayed him.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Films not to miss in 2012!

With the approach of the new year I feel it's time to look forward to the up and coming year and what it holds for film. It seems to be safe to say that 2012 is the going to be the best year for films EVER. With the likes of reboots, sequels, crossovers and prequels the year is getting more exciting by the second!

First off it's time for the re-makes of classic fairy-tales to hit back and prove their worth after the hopeless attempt at Red Riding Hood last year. The awful excuse for a horror/thriller/teen flick had about as much suspense as Twilight. (Coincidence? (look who directed it)) It was slow and lacked any real conviction and had the worst heroine in the form of Amanda Seyfried as she just swanned all over the screen, occasionally donning the red cloak. However it looks like the fairy-tales are about to hit back, with two dark re-makes set to hit the screen next year.

Film: Jack The Giant Killer
Cast: Nicholas Hoult, Ewan McGregor, Ian Mcshane, Stanley Tucci.
Release Date: June
Backed up by an impressive cast and the director of the first X-Men movie, this looks set to be an impressive summer blockbuster. Based on the fairy-tale of the same name, the plot follows Jack who unwittingly opens a gateway into a world ruled by giants. The giants looking to reclaim the land they lost, force Jack into an ancient war that has been raging far before his existence. With the likes of Ewan McGregor, Ian McShane, Stanley Tucci, Bill Nighy and with emerging star Nicholas Hoult, known for his breakthrough role in About a Boy, and as Hank McCoy in X-Men First Class.
Prediction: Based on the initial trailer and the strength of cast I'll stick my neck on the line for this one and say it will deserve 8/10

Film: Snow White and the Huntsman
Cast: Charlize Theron, Kristen Stewart, Chris Helmsworth, Ian McShane, Ray Winstone
Release Date: June 1st
Probably about as far from 'high-ho'ing as possible. From left to right Nick Frost, Ray Winstone, Toby Jones, Ian McShane, Bob Hoskins, Johnny Harris , Eddie Marsan, Brian Gleeson.
This looks set to dwarf the initial movie. The darker take on the story released nearly a century ago, shows a kingdom ruled by the dictator, Queen Ravenna (Theron). She learns that her stepdaughter (Stewart) is set to surpass her as the ruler of the land. She is told that if she consumes the heart of Snow White that she will live and rule forever. Snow white escapes into the dark forest and Ravenna is forced to send the Huntsman (Helmsworth) after her to claim her prize. However when the huntsman finds Snow White, he takes pity on the young girl and takes her under her wing. With the help of the seven dwarfs and the prince they begin to plan a rebellion to take down the queen. With the producer of the only successful re-make of a fairy-tale, Alice in Wonderland, on board this looks set to be another stunning summer blockbuster, that from the initial trailer looks stunning visually and a brilliant take on what is a classic story.
Prediction: Looks like a Kick-ass comeback for the age-old disney classic and i reckon it will top Jack the Giant Killer, 8.5/10

Moving swiftly onto what will be the best possible year for comic book nerds. With three MASSIVE films set to hit the big screen throughout 2012.

Film: The Avengers
Cast: Robert Downy Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Helmsworth, Samuel L. Jackson, Jeremy Renner, Scarlet Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Tom Hiddlestone
Release Date: May 4th
Avengers, assemble!
The first to be released is the biggest crossover of films ever. Four of the biggest comic-book franchisees to be made into one of the biggest comic-book films ever. Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor and Captain America. And on May 4th, after many after credit scenes, The Avengers will finally be released in cinemas. The only dissapointing side is the fact that they have got rid of Edward Norton from the role of Bruce Banner (Hulk) but apart from that the first trilaer looks epic. Still in the frame is Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Chris Helmsworth (Thor) and Chris Evans (Captain America). As far as the story is concerned, not much has been revealed. All we know of, as of yet, is that Thor's demented brother Loki, has teamed up with a (un-known) alien race and is attempting to take over earth. While the other superheroes want to save their planet it gives norse god Thor an added incentive. "He feels responsible for why Loki has spiraled off." Says Chris Helmsworth. "He keeps trying to appeal to what ever good is left in him." The stage is set, all that's left to go is for the cast to emerge and get on with it.
Prediction: This should be a truly epic film, not a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination but will no doubt be a highly enjoyable film to say the least. 8/10

Film: The Amazing Spiderman
Cast: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans
Release Date: July 3rd
Although I was never a massive fan of Spidey, I am truly looking forward to the re-boot of the web slinger. The Amazing Spiderman is set to hit our screens in July. The main issue is that this film has got to compare to the dark re-boot of Batman, and the badass comedy, the Avenger's individual films offered us. They've pulled in a great cast and a new villain never portrayed in any of Toby McGuire's films and it looks set to return with a web-slinging bang!
Prediction: In quality, better then the Avengers, in enjoyment? Well as past Spidey films proved, it's all down to opinion. 8/10

Film: The Dark Knight Rises
Cast: Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway, Joeseph Gordon-Levitt, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Marion Cotillard
Release Date: July 20th
This is my pick of all the films being released in 2012 (Apart from one). The trailers alone look good enough on their own, to call it an all time great. Of course this will have to grip us, the way The Dark Knight did, but with Christopher Nolan at the helm, what could possibly go wrong? The film is set 8 years after the Dark Knight events, when the terrorist Bane arrives in Gotham. Bane is being plaid by Tom Hardy, a brave choice for the young Brit, having to step into Heath Ledgers ENORMOUS shoes. He looks to have done more then a good enough job however taking the Joker's pure, nothing to lose attitude and adding brute force to the equation. Batman is then forced to re appear after taking the fall for Harvey Dent's crimes. Nolan has seemingly done the impossible by taking the Dark Knight and somehow making it bigger and better.
Prediction: Need I say more? If you have to miss one of these films, DON'T let it be this one. 10/10

Film: The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey
Cast: Sir Ian Mckellen, Martin Freeman, Cate Blanchett, Hugo Weaving, Andy Serkis, Christopher Lee, Richard Armitage, James Nesbit
Release Date: December 14th
Peter Jackson: "I'm back!"
Thorin Oakenshield
It won't get better then this in 2012. (You can quote me on that!) Peter Jackson returns to Middle Earth, to direct Tolkein's critically acclaimed novel. With Cameos from the original Lord of the Rings family, such as Elijah Wood (Frodo) and Orlando Bloom (Legolas) just adds to the mouthwatering sensation any LotR nerd has already. Lord of the Rings have made hollywood stars, such as Orlando Bloom and Dominic Monaghan, so look out for Richard Armitage and Jimmy Nesbit to erupt onto the Hollywood scene. Lord of the Rings, Return of the King holds the record for the most Oscars won by one film, so with the original crew returning to the Hobbit, so expect a lot of nominations. The Hobbit tells of Bilbo Baggins' (Freeman) journey to help the band of Dwarfs, led by Thorin Oakenshield (Armitage), to reclaim their Kingdom that they lost from the powerful Dragon, Smaug. It shows how Bilbo gains the ring of power from Smeagol (Serkis).
Prediction: To have the old gang back for another film is enough to give this a 10, but after watching the trailer, as a fantasy nerd, I don't think it gets better then this. 10/10

Film: Prometheus
Cast: Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron
Release Date: June 8th
Liked the "Alien" films? Well then you'll love Prometheus. Ridley Scott returns to his beloved franchise, after directing the first Alien film back in 1979. Though not directly linked, to the Alien story line, Scott described it as having, "similar DNA to the Alien films". The story follows the team of the Prometheus, who are sent out into space to try and discover the origins of the human race. What they find, does not explain the existence of humanity, it threatens to destroy it. The film looks gripping and intense, I only wish they could have made Alien with the budget and technology of the modern day era. No doubt Scott will be able to use ideas not possible in the late 70s, and will be able to make his ideal film in a franchise so loved.
Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender? Ridley Scott? A new more deadly "Alien"? Surely a guaranteed hit! 9/10

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Films that were terrible with incredible trailers

The idea of a trailer is to get the paying audience to get into the cinemas and watch their films. However with a trailer comes a certain amount of expectation. Here are my choices of films that had great trailers, but eventually meant wasted money!

1. Terminator Salvation

2. Daybreakers

3. The Spirit

4.The Imaginarium of Dr

Tuesday 7 February 2012

5 Underrated/Unheard of Albums

For the first time in my blog I will be switching the focus away from films to look at Music. I am certainly a fan of music, and my taste ranges throughout the genres. Having finally made it to Reading Festival in 2011 and with the prospect of seeing my favorite band Shinedown, I began thinking about CDs that do not get anywhere near the attention they deserve. With the likes of Justin Bieber and Cher Llyod gracing the top of the charts, it is baffling that these albums are squandering just outside public consciousness.

Artist: Shinedown
Album: Sound of Madness
Top Songs: Diamond Eyes, Call Me, Sin with a Grin, Sound of Madness, The Crow and the Butterfly

As I said above, Shinedown are one of my favorite bands. They are on the verge of mainstream rock, such as 30 seconds to Mars. Having said this they are sticking to what they do best, making top quality rock songs. They aren't selling themselves out to become more popular and are doing just fine by it. Sound of Madness easily topped either of their first two albums, with their song Diamond Eyes becoming the official song of the hit film the Expendables. 

Artist: James Blunt
Album: Some Kind of Trouble
Top Songs: Stay the Night, I'll be your Man, Calling out your Name, Superstar

After Blunt's huge success of Back to Bedlam in 2003, he never really came close to emulating the same success again. This is a shame, due to his maturing as a song writer and performer. His transformation from the extremely irritating You're Beautiful, to his new album is stunning. He has become a fantastic accoustic artist, one who deserves as much success as he received for you're Beautiful for every single one of his songs.

Artist: Coheed and Cambria
Album: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
Top Songs: Welcome Home, The Suffering, Keeping the Blame, Wake Up

Certainly an acquired taste this one. Defiantly not for everyone but very talented musicians none the less. Lead singer Claudio Sanchez wrote the songs as a storytelling of his comics that he draws and writes. The prog rockers have struggled to maintain any massive success but do have a steady set of loyal fans.

Artist: Newton Faulkner
Album: Rebuilt by Humans
Top Songs: Badman, I Took it Out on You, Lipstick Jungle, Won't Let Go

Another acoustic artist who found debut fame, only to become a better artist and be snubbed for it. Perhaps I am being overly critical as Rebuilt by Humans did reach number 3 on the UK album Charts, but this is far less then it deserves, from an artist who is on par with the fantastic Ed Sheeran.

Artist: Pete Murray
Album: Summer at Eureka
Top Songs: Chance to Say Goodbye, You Pick Me Up, Saving Grace, The Game

This is a bit of a shaky one as Pete Murray has reached number one with three of his five albums, in his home country of Australia. However the aussie is yet to make it big in this part of the globe. I have had the pleasure of seeing him live twice and his voice is incredibly soothing and smooth. I could have picked out any of his five albums, as all deserve far more recognition!

Wednesday 1 February 2012

My Oscar Predictions 2012 (Playing it Safe?)

Well it's possibly my favorite event of the entire year, the Oscars. Just the sheer aura of the event gives me goose bumps. I can't help but speculate who will be nominated months before the nominations are announced or the favorites have even been released. Now that the Academy have announced the nominations I start to look forward to the event itself. However in hindsight of the nominations, it appears the academy are, "playing it safe", leaving out highly dark, but fantastic work by hollywood’s greats. I will go into that in far more detail in the individual categories, anyways here are my predictions of how this years awards will play out.


Best Picture:

The Artist


The Descendants

Midnight in Paris

War Horse

The Help

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

Money Ball

The Tree of Life

As far as the nominations go this is the first example of the Academy opting for the safe route. The lack of Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and even Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Suggests that they have been too scared to go with those slightly darker choices. As for the nominees they have picked, I have no real complaints. Extremly Loud and Incredibly Close I felt never really hit that top gear and personally I think either of the two they ignored would have been more fitting as a nominee. The rest were largely expected to be nominated, though it is a surprise that they have gone with so many films, most expected there to be 7 nominees with 8 at a push. As for the winner is concerned I think it’s fairly easy to call, as it looks fairly certain to go to the Artist, though I wouldn’t be surprised if either Hugo or the Descendants stole it at the last second.

Best Actor in a Leading Role:

Demián Bichir - A Better Life

George Clooney - The Descendants

Jean Dujardin - The Artist

Gary Oldman - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Brad Pitt - Money Ball

This is the category I really have a problem with. For one actor alone, Michael Fassbender. For him not to receive a nomination for his performance in Shame is a travesty. I was worried before the nominees were announced, that Fassbender’s performance would be to risqué for him to win, but I would never have predicted it would have cost him a nomination all together! Another Actor they’ve decided to snub is Leonardo Di Caprio, for J. Edgar. Disappointing as Di Caprio has really upped his game in the last few years. (So much so that I believe he should have been nominated for Inception, but that’s another story) The actors that have replaced those two are Demián Bichir and Gary Oldman. I am more then happy to see Oldman finally receive his first Oscar nomination, as he was awesome in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. As for Bichir I must confess I am yet to see A Better Life, needless to say it is on my to do list! The winner will likely be George Clooney for the Descendants but I think there is a strong threat from Jean Gujardin and I think Oldman is picking up momentum and I’d love to see him win on his first attempt.

Best Actress in a Leading Role:

Glenn Close - Albert Nobbs

Viola Davis - The Help

Rooney Mara - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Meryl Streep - The Iron Lady

Michelle Williams - My Week with Marilyn

This, I believe, will be a dead certainty. The obvious choice is Meryl Streep, and the hype surrounding her performance as Margret Thatcher is only helping her cause. However all 5 of the nominees deserve the awards, Glenn Close, Viola Davis, Michelle Williams, were all superb. But my favorite and personal pick is Rooney Mara. She was incredible as Lisbeth Slandaer in Fincher’s Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. However on the point of the Academy “playing it safe” I think it will go to Streep. One issue I have with the nominations? No Tilda Swinton for We Need to talk About Kevin, another dark performance turned down by the Academy, though both Williams and Close deserved their nominations.

Best Actor in a Supporting Role:

Kenneth Branagh - My Week with Marilyn

Jonah Hill - Moneyball

Nick Nolte - Warrior

Christopher Plummer - Beginners

Max Von Sydow - Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

Apart from the Leading Actress category this is the most competitive. Jonah Hill won’t even get a look in and he was brilliant in Moneyball! Despite this I think it will probably go to Christopher Plummer, and quite rightly too! I expect there to be some pretty firm competition from the Likes of Von Sydow and Branagh however, and I’d love to see Branagh steal it!

Best Actress in a Supporting Role:

Bérénice Bejo - The Artist

Jessica Bejo - The Help

Melissa McCarthy - Bridesmaids

Janey McTeer - Albert Nobbs

Octavia Spencer - The Help

Should be a deserved Oscar for The Help and probably the only one they are likely to see. I will say that it is nice to see another comedy performance being recognized. With McCarthy being nominated for Bridesmaids, we haven’t seen a proper comedy acting performance nominated for the last four years or so, not since Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder. Can she win it? Probably not, likely to go to another Help actress, Jessica Bejo or Janey McTeer.

Best Animation:

Kung Fu Panda 2 - DreamWorks

Puss in Boots - DreamWorks

Rango - Nickelodeon Films

A Cat in Paris - FilmDistribution Paris

Chico and Rita - Walt Disney

The biggest snub out of all the nominees. Most were expected nominations, but the much-deserved nomination of A Cat in Paris incredibly pushed the favorite to win out of the nominations all together. Spielberg must have done something to piss off someone in the Academy because for The Adventures of Tintin not to get nominated, after being the most high tech animation EVER is a massive shock. As far as who will win its between Puss and Boots and Rango, with the latter being my choice.

Best Director:

Woody Allen - A Midnight in Paris

Alexander Payne - The Descendants

Martin Scorsese - Hugo

Terrence Malick - The Tree of Life

Michel Hazanavicius - The Artist

Yet again no nomination for Spielberg. Another favorite for a nomination, for his work on Warhorse, and yet another snub. Another possible surprise or perhaps the final example of the Oscars shying away for darkness, is the lack of a nomination for David Fincher for Girl with a Dragon Tattoo. As far as the winner is concerned, it will probably go to Hazanavicius.


The Artist

The Tree of Life


The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

War Horse

If the Artist does well, I predict it will do very well. So I can see it doing very well in a lot of the “lower” awards. Artist to win is my guess, though I’d love Girl with a Dragon Tattoo to pinch it.

Costume Design:


The Artist


Jane Eyre


As I said, Artist to win, Hugo as a possible stealer.

Art Direction:

The Artist

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2


Midnight in Paris

War Horse

This should be Hugo’s, but see the Artist putting up a fight for every award, and Warhorse was a stunning film.

Film Editing:

The Artist

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


Money Ball

The Descendants

Heart says, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, mind says Hugo. Hugo to win it.


Albert Nobbs

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

The Iron Lady

Iron Lady pretty certain, HP possible spoiler.

Music (Original Score):

The Adventures of Tintin

The Artist


Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

War Horse

Between Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and The Artist. I'm saying The Artist. 

Music (Original Song):

"Man or Muppet" - The Muppets

"Real in Rio" - Rio

Tough choice this…

Sound Editing:



War Horse

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon

The only award Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is the favorite for, War Horse and Drive could walk away with it though.

Sound Mixing:

Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon


War Horse

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


Transformers not really being considered in the build up, Hugo is the likely winner, with War Horse and the Girl with Dragon Tattoo being recognized for their superb sound.

Visual Effects:

Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon


Real Steel

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Should go to Rise of the Planet of the Apes after superb work with their motion capture. The only award HP really stands a chance at taking.

Writing (Adapted Screenplay):


The Descendants

The Ides of March 


Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Can see this one going to the Descendants, was hoping Harry Potter would be recognized, after their superb work over the last decade or so.

Writing (Original Screenplay):

The Artist


Margin Call

Midnight in Paris

A Seperation

Need I say more? The Artist is nominated.

As showing the nominations would have little worth to most people as these films/documentaries rarely receive a huge reception, I will only write my predictions of who will win.

Documentary Feature:
Winner: Pina
Outside Chance: Hell and Back Again

Foreign Language Film:
Winner: A Separation (Iran)
Outside Chance: Footnote (Israel)

Documentary Short:
Winner: Saving Face
Outside Chance: Incident in New Baghdad

Short Film (Animated):
Winner: La Luna
Outside Chance: The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

Short Film (Live Action):
Winner: Time Freak
Outside Chance: Tuba Atlantic

Sunday 15 January 2012

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Having watched the Swedish versions of the film I went into this film with very high expectations. My expectations weren't lowered from the magnitude of cast and director. To have David Fincher in charge director of two of the best films of their kind, Zodiac and Se7en, meant I went in expecting the film to match both of the two serial killer greats. On a whole my expectations were matched, though under close inspection there were little errors that just took away that edge, that would have made it brilliant for me.

First of all I think it's best to talk about the positives. Beautifully shot, as one would expect from Fincher. The opening sequences were just un-real (though leaving my friends, who had never read or seen the originals, wondering what the hell was going on) and the film continued in that vain. The cut scenes, the flashbacks, the editing, was all perfect. It was slick and although I largely knew what was going to happen, I was still kept on the edge of my seat. It's been used in so many films before but the lack of background music was almost as effective as the scenes with music. It just added that extra bit of silence that was needed during the scenes, particularly at the end, that required the suspense to make the audience sit up and watch.

The acting was, as you'd hope to expect from this film, awesome. Personally I think it's truly Craig's best performance outside Layer Cake or Casino Royale. He managed to capture Blomkvist's personality far better then Michael Nyqvist, the original actor in the Scandinavian adaptations of the books. Christopher Plummer and Stellan Skarsgard give dynamite supporting roles, with the later in particular giving probably the most accurate portrayal of a character from the books. However if we're talking about acting all most bow down to Rooney Mara. She was absolutely fabulous playing Lisbeth Salander, and is one the most powerful performance I've seen from a female since Natalie Portman in Black Swan last year. The incredible depth to her character is what makes this so awe inspiring. It is so different to Portman's role, in that the emotions of her character are below the surface. Lisbeth is not capable of the "big emotional scene" so all the emotion has to visibly simmer below the surface. This is such a difficult skill for any actor/actress to do professional or otherwise. Her shifts from quiet and calculating to just plain mental and vengful was unexpected and kept the audience at a distance while willing her to succeed. You could even see Mara portray Lisbeth's hurt and rage simply through her eyes, she created a character that took over her, and it was stunning to watch.

Rooney Mara as Lisbeth Salander
While there were so many positives there were, of course, some negatives. It didn't feel like a Fincher film. It wasn't so much you couldn't see his influence, it just felt as though he was just there. He left his mark but it never felt like his film. That may have been due to the fact it wasn't his story and had to stick to the outlines of the books, but it just never felt like Se7en did. Another issue was that Mara, although stunning throughout, played Lisbeth with far too much venerability. She had too much emotion and by the end had let down that wall to Blomkvist, something she should not be capable of to any man let alone to the hapless, ineffectual Blomkvist. The emotions run a little too high between the two, and the chemistry, although there is meant to be some, creates the two as a perfect couple. The seeming need for an American audience for a strong macho hero threatens to ruin the character of Blokvist. Craig holds it together wonderfully, but he does seem a little too "Bond like" at times.

Although there were negatives that didn't quite match the books or the Scandinavian films, the positives in my opinion far out weigh them. I came out of the film full of praise and it took me several hours to think back on the negatives. FIncher has created a highly enjoyable, though very dark, film. One that doesn't have to be dependent on the fans of the books, and can be a great film in it's own right. Fincher has done it once again, with a little help from Mara's fantastic (dare i say, Oscar deserving) performance.

Verdict: A film I can not give a low score to as I love it too much. The acting and editing just made this film for me despite the wavering accuracy to the book. 8.5/10

Saturday 24 December 2011

Top Five Christmas Films

Well it's that time of year once again! I therefor feel it's time to reflect on some the best films the holiday season has to offer us. Here are my top five in reverse order:

5. The Santa Clause (1994)

Just one of those feel good, family, comedy, christmas films. Starring Tim Allen, it's a story of a normal, divorced man, who accidentally kills Santa Clause, meaning he has to don the red suit and deliver the presents himself. Initially out to make a quick buck by stealing valuables from the houses he visits, he soon learns the value of Christmas with the help of his son. It's a generally feel-good film, something you would expect from a christmas film, it's a fun interesting concept on Santa Clause showing it as a job that is passed down, rather then kept forever. A film i would recommend to any family at Christmas!

4. Elf (2003)

The story of a human baby that accidentally ends up in the north pole and has to be raised by elves. Eventually told of his true nature he sets off to find his true family in New York. There he must learn how to live as a human being, while trying to inject that little bit of Christmas cheer that everyone seems to have lost. With starring roles from Will Ferrell and the Godfather's James Caan this film is a hilarious new take on Christmas and the first original christmas film for a good decade. (Also has an extremely funny cameo from Peter Dinklage)

3. The Polar Express (2004)

Ever wondered what it would be like to step inside one of those glass, christmas orbs? Well this is as close as it gets to that. While taking full advantage of 3D and motion capture this magical adventure brings the beautiful book to life. Led by the voice of Tom Hanks, the polar express is the tale of a young boy who on the night before christmas is picked up by a mysterious train. On board he finds many children as well and discovers they are on their way to meet Santa at the north pole. However its not as easy as just taking a trip on a train as it encounters all sorts of dangers. A tremendous watch, full of fun and sense of adventure. (The graphics are pretty special as well)

2. The Nightmare Before Christmas (1994)

Tim Burton does it again. The visionary director/producer who produced one of the most dark christmas films of all time. Though very creepy it is still possibly the greatest and most bizarre christmas film ever made. It tells the story of Jack Skeleton the leader of Halloween Town who decides he is bored of the usual Halloween traditions and sets off in search of new ideas. He stumbles across a portal to Christmas Town and after much deliberation decides to try and take it over, assuming Santa's role. Possibly one of the most unique takes on the holiday season and one of my favorite films regardless of the time of year.

1. Love Actually (2003)

An absolute christmas great. America have tried to match the idea of an all star class to celebrate a holiday season over the last couple of years, and to be honest the poxy efforts of Valentines Day and New Years Eve don't deserve to be mentioned alongside Love Actually. Just one of those films you can watch every christmas and still get the same feeling you did when it was first released. The idea's of different story lines makes for an emotional roller-coaster, from the hilarious story of Billy Mac (Bill Nighy) to the heart wrenching story of Daniel and Sam (Liam Neeson and Thomas Sangster). Not a single story is lost amongst others, with the down right silly stories such as the "Sex God" Colin's expedition to American and the porn-star's body doubles who are both awkward off set. There are messages to be found amongst all the stories as well, with family love being just as important as conditional love. It's a true great that you can sit along and smile, laugh, cringe, cry and above all else, enjoy christmas.